Thursday, 19 April 2012

Petition and Open Letter to the City - Frankfurt

A group of Frankfurt Station-Quarter Residents in March wrote an open letter about their dissatisfaction with the local 'drug problematic' and its impact on living in the area. The Railway Quarter in the centre of Frankfurt (Bahnhofsviertel) is (in)famous, not only for its well-organised Red Light Area, but for its long standing drug strategy, called the Frankfurt Model (Frankfurter Weg), which has been developed to tackle the regional problems of drug abuse.

The letter-petition from Residents, addressed to the Lord Mayoress, to the election candidates for Lord Mayor, and to all participating institutions of the city's monthly Monday Panel (Montagsrunde) is also published on the blog Bahnhofsviertel Frankfurt. The letter stated that the situation for residents had become 'unbearable' and cited three recent conflicts on the street between residents and drug-users.

According to the same blog, there has been a reassuring response and there has been some improvement since March, and there will be a workshop (Werkstatt Bahnhofsviertel) about the issues, to be held on 7 May.


– Die Oberbürgermeisterin der Stadt Frankfurt –

– Die Kandidaten der Oberbürgermeisterwahl –

– Alle teilnehmenden Institutionen der „Montagsrunde“ –

monatlich tagendes Gremium zur Drogenproblematik Frankfurt bestehend aus
Dezernat X (Umwelt, Gesundheit und Personal),
Staatliches Schulamt,
Amt für Gesundheit,
Polizeipräsidium Frankfurt,
Jugend- und Sozialamt,
Geschäftsstelle des Präventionsrates,
Vertreter der Drogenhilfe